Celia Williamson helps passionate advocates do their most effective anti-trafficking work
The Healing Place 
of Supportive Partnerships 
I help passionate anti-trafficking advocates
To effectively prevent human trafficking 
By becoming a fully trained certified prevention curriculum facilitator
Learn more about bringing this 3T Program to your agency.

Get the Free Human Trafficking Assessment Tool 

Quickly and Easily Identify Youth At-Risk for Human Trafficking

The Best Life Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum for Girls Includes...
"Overall, this was one of the Best trainings I have ever had the opportunity to attend and learn so much from. In my 25+ years of community and Law Enforcement service with the State, County and City this training has been by far the most informative. 
Dr. Williamson’s expertise and community connection/outreach has made this training extremely valuable to the community, and the organization I serve and myself. I am very excited to begin my outreach in my local community, provide trainings in my workplace."
 Sonya - Trauma Focused Recovery Services
Human Trafficking 101 Presentations
Will not prevent human trafficking among girls at risk
Put your passion into practice
And make that difference in the lives of youth you've always wanted to make
"Out of all of my 15 years of working with teens, this is the first time I’ve ever come across materials that have been so useful, dead on, and needed. It was beneficial. Anyone can use it. I loved it so much I also introduced it to my Christian fellowship"
 Shana - YWCA & Harbor Mental Health
Don't waste time thinking about it
Join me and learn to effective prevention
You bring the passion & commitment
I'll bring the knowledge and skills and together we'll save lives
"My name is Bailey and I am the Human Anti-Trafficking Coordinator for the..... We have taken your youth curriculum course. We have implemented it with our local Juvenile Detention Center for two years now, going on the third summer. We’ve received so much positive feedback from the lesson plans with the residents and staff."
 Bailey - Juvenile Court 
"I wanted to make a difference just like you and I spent 26+ years as an anti-trafficking advocate and researcher to develop effective anti-trafficking prevention"
 Join me in making a meaningful difference to help prevent human trafficking

Celia Williamson, LLC

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